Day 247: Gorn But Not Forgotten

The gag that time forgot…

September 4 main

Hang on, you’re thinking. That’s no Gorn.

But it should have been.

Y’see, there’s been a Gorn sitting around my mate Simon’s house all year, begging to be used in a Sole Of Sci-Fi photo. He was always earmarked for 4 July. Gorn On The Fourth Of July”, geddit?

Then 4 July came around and I completely forgot. That’s just me.

But then I realised I’d be cat sitting for Simon and his missus on 4 September, so I thought, “Hey, let’s make a gag out the fact I goofed up. I’ll called the blog, ‘Gorn On The Fourth Of Ju… Erm, September,’ and I write a blog about missed opportunities in sci-fi.”

The I got here… and no Gorn! It’s vanished. Gorn, but not forgotten.

But there was a Cylon. And at least you were saved the headline, “Cylon running” because I didn’t bring any running trainers with me! Only these brand new Shimano cycling shoes (size nine, they come with cleats if you want to make an offer).

But I’m forging ahead with missed sci-fi opportunities anyway. It’s still kinda apt. I’m not talking about major things like not cancelling Charmed at the end of season one, or not casting a woman as Doctor Who. I’m talking about silly little things that wouldn’t have changed sci-fi history, but I’d like to have seen.

• First, the last line in Deep Space Nine should have been given to Morn, which would have been amusing as he hadn’t had a single line in seven seasons.

• Sticking with Deep Space Nine, in the spoof James Bond holodeck episode, they should have had a character called Gul Deneye.

mawdryn undead• In the Peter Davison Doctor Who episode “Mawdryn Undead” – which was about a race that gained immortality then grew to regret it – the Doctor says “Sometimes you have to live with the consequences of your actions.” Which is just crying out to be followed up with, “But some of us have to live with them longer than others.” (But “Mawdryn Undead” generally could have done with a bit more fun; the whole story is so ponderously gloomy.)

• In True Blood recently (season seven spoiler here, but honestly, the last season is so crap I doubt anyone will care) Jessica catches Lafayette bonking her vampire boyfriend James. A scene or two later Lafayatte and Jessica argue, with Lafayette pointing out that Jessica doesn’t really care about James. “Do you even know how he was turned?” demands Lafayette? To which Jessica really should have replied, “Yes, by you, about twenty minutes ago.”

• In Smallville, Clark was always wearing clothes that foreshadowed his Superman costume. So why didn’t he wear red Converse All-Star high tops?

Have you got any suggestions you can add to the list?

See you tomorrow.

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Usual Sign-Off

• Current total: £1,200 

• Remember this is all for charity, so any pennies or pounds you can spare PLEASE DONATE BY CLICKING HERE.

• Follow me on Twitter to make sure you see what trainers I’m wearing each day.

• If you have any trainers you could donate (either on loan or old pairs you’re getting rid of) which are size 9 (ish – I can do anything  from 8 to 10) contact me at so I can arrange collection.

• Please, please, please leave comments below! I’m after ideas for mini-challenges, future photoshoots and how I can find enough pairs of trainers!


Day 186: The Trouble With Trainers

Sole Of Sci-Fi endures some trials and Tribble-ations, as the Department of Temporal Investigations investigates a time travel infringement…

July 5 main 2

Apparently the Deep Space Nine episode “Trials And Tribble-ations” –  the one in which the DS9 crew are placed into the original series episode “The Trouble With Tribbles” via time travel/special effects – cost $3 million to produce. I spent considerably less doing a similar thing for Sole Of Sci-Fi.

Deep Space Nine is by far my favourite Trek series. Recently I had to compile three Top 30 episodes lists for Next Gen, Deep Space Nine and Voyager (it was for a Syfy vote), and while some fillers were creeping into the lower positions of the Next Gen and Voyager lists, with Deep Space Nine the problem was deciding which great episodes to leave out.

That’s despite the fact that I was never massively keen on the Promenade set. Despite some redressing over the years, always looked horrendously studio bound and plasticky. Most of the other station sets were fine (I loved the operations centre); it was only the promenade that irritated me. The show also had to endure the occasional Ferengi comedy episode, but they were preferable to Next Gen’s regular visits from Troi’s mum. In fact, Lwaxana did show up on Deep Space Nine once, in an execrable season one episode. The show’s first season also had a poor Q episode. It was almost like DS9 was ticking off contractual obligations to feature Next Gen mainstays as quickly as possible so that it could get on with doing its own thing. Notably, the quality if the show improved exponentially from season two onwards.

Kai Win, wearing the Sydney Opera House

Kai Win, wearing the Sydney Opera House

But what a cast of characters! Grumpy old Captain Sisko. Feisty Major Kira. Cocky, wide-eyed Doctor Bashir. The great comedy double act, Odo and Quark. However, DS9’s support characters were even stronger: Cardassian bad Gul Dukat; former Cardassian spy and “simple tailor” Garak; the manipulative Bajoran religious leader Kai Winn; each of them now enshrined in the Sci-Fi TV hall of fame. Okay, DS9 was also foisted with sulky-faced whinger Keiko O’Brien, but she was easy to ignore.

DS9 was also Trek’s most extensive flirtation with serial storytelling, with the build up to and the fall-out from the Dominion war forming the backbone of the series’ seven seasons, with a string Bajoran religious politics subplot to back things up; occasionally the two even dovetailed ingeniously. This serial storytelling also lead the show into some of the darkest storytelling Trek has ever attempted, with Sisko taking some decisions that were distinctly un-Star Fleet, the station being taken by the Dominion for half a season and one character being replaced by a shapeshifter spy for a number of episodes (even the audience didn’t realise this until the reveal).


“Trials And Tribble-ations” was made to mark the franchise’s 30th anniversary, and it was an absolute triumph; a funny, charming, visually stunning slice of nostalgia. And it featured Dax in an original series uniform, which was worth making the episode for alone.

In fact, the whole costumes shtick is in-joke gold. If you’ve never seem the episode then, surely this following exchange can’t fail to make you want to watch it immediately. To put it in context you need to know that the DS9 characters are now all dressed in original series clobber; Sisko is wearing gold, O’Brien is in red and Bashir is in blue.

Doctor Bashir: “Wait a minute. Aren’t you two wearing the wrong colour?”
O’Brien: “Don’t you know anything about this period in time?”
Doctor Bashir: “I’m a doctor, not an historian.”
Sisko: “In the old days, operations officers wore red, command officers wore gold…”

Dax appears behind them, dressed in a revealing TOS miniskirt-style uniform.

Lt Commander Jadzia Dax: “…And women wore less.”
Doctor Bashir: “I think I’m going to like history.”



That’s enough Deep Space Nine love. I know I said I was going to do a big “half way through the challenge” thing this weekend, but I forgot I’ve got to travel to my parents’ home in Farnborough this weekend for my mum’s birthday party (will there be jelly and ice cream?). I’m not even sure what I’m going to do for Sole Of Sci-Fi tomorrow as their internet connection doesn’t always like talking to my laptop. But I’ll try my best!

Have a good weekend!

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Usual Sign-Off

• Current total: £1,045 (the Llama God blessed us with a donation! Hurrah!)

• Remember this is all for charity, so any pennies or pounds you can spare PLEASE DONATE BY CLICKING HERE.

• Follow me on Twitter to make sure you see what trainers I’m wearing each day.

• If you have any trainers you could donate (either on loan or old pairs you’re getting rid of) which are size 9 (ish – I can do anything  from 8 to 10) contact me at so I can arrange collection.

• Please, please, please leave comments below! I’m after ideas for mini-challenges, future photoshoots and how I can find enough pairs of trainers!



Day 131: Something Borrowed, Something Shoe

Sole Of Sci-Fi’s dream (and nightmare) sci-fi weddings…

wedding montage 3

If I were to get married (which isn’t likely) I would make two demands for the ceremony: bubbles in place of confetti, and I’d be wearing Converse All-Stars. I love the look of a crisp, clean, new pair of black and white Cons with a suit. (I have actually worn Cons to a couple of quite posh, straight-laced weddings and nobody ever seemed to mind.)

What’s put me in a wedding frame of mind? Today’s pair of trainers, which were loaned to me by Rhian Drinkwater. They’re not hers. They’re actually the shoes her husband wore to their wedding. And while they’re not Cons, kudos to Mr Rhian for wearing something a bit different. Admittedly, like the Vans I wore a few weeks back, this pair exist in an “are they actually trainers?” grey area, but they’re certainly not conventional shoes. And hey, if one of my Sole Of Sci-Fi supporters want to loan me a pair like this, then they obviously think they count.

And while I’m in a wedding frame of mind, here are a few of Sole Of Sci-Fi’s fave and least fave sci-fi and fantasy weddings (some aborted, of course):

The Princess Bride

The princess bride

The Impressive Clergyman: “Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam… And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva… So tweasure your wuv.”
Prince Humperdinck: “Skip to the end.”
The Impressive Clergyman: “Have you the wing?”

Peter Cook, we love you!

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine “You Are Cordially Invited”

deep space nine you are cordially invited

Trust Trek’s best series to produce the franchise’s only great wedding episode. This is comedy genius as Worf’s non-Klingon bride, and non Klingon mates have to endure Klingon marital rituals (though Dax refuses to go nude, notably). There’s even a surreptitious shag in a cupboard for Kira and Odo at the pre-wedding party.

Doctor Who “The End Of Time, Part Two”

Doctor Who The End Of Time Paret 2 wedding wilf

“The Runaway Bride”, which introduced Donna Noble  a few years earlier, was a bit of a dog’s dinner, but when Donna finally got hitched in the Tenth Doctor’s final story, it was a truly moving ceremony, especially as Donna had lost all memory of her time with the Doctor by this point. This brief scene is full of lovely touches, especially the Doctor’s wedding gift (a presumably winning ticket for the lottery) bought with a pound he borrowed from Donna dearly departed dad (“Thing is, I never carry money, so I just popped back in time, borrowed a quid off a really lovely man. Geoffrey Noble, his name was”). When Wilf salutes the clearly dying Doctor, it’s one of the show’s most lip-quivering moments.

Flash Gordon

Flash Gordon

Ming tries to hurry up his wedding to Dale as the war rocket Ajax approaches Mingo city. “Attention, all wedding guests,” goes an announcement. “There is no cause for alarm. The weapons are being fired in continuous salute in honor of His Majesty’s wedding.” And hey presto, Mingo’s lightning field defences light up the city like a big, neon wedding cake. The vows are great too: “Do you, Ming the Merciless, ruler of the universe, take this Earthling, Dale Arden, to be your Empress of the hour? Do you promise to use her? Not to blast her into space  until you grow weary of her?”

Chuck “Chuck Versus The Ring”

chuck versus the ring

Without a doubt my fave wedding episode of any TV show ever (and that includes the divisive Sherlock episode that personally I adored but isn’t sci-fi or fantasy so I can’t include it here). This was Chuck at its insane best as the hapless wannabe spy tries to stop his sister’s wedding to Captain Awesome being ruined by Roark (Chevy Chase) and his bully boys from evil spy organisation The Ring. The montage sequence in which Jeffster try to entertain the congregation with a Eurovision-worthy version of “Mr Roboto” while Chuck and Sarah battle the spies using improvised wedding gifts and cutlery from the reception tables is a classic. The only shame is that it totally outshone the Chuck and Sarah wedding episode a couple of years later.

The Amazing Spider-Man 131

spider-man 131 with this ring I thee web

Doctor Octopus plans to marry Aunt May! Noooo! Don’t let it happen, Spidey. On the other hand, “With this ring, I thee… WEB?” is possibly the greatest single comic book coverline EVER!

Buffy The Vampire Slayer “Hells Bells”

buffy the vampire slayer hells bells

Anybody who knows me of old from my days on SFX and the SFX website will know immediately from seeing that title and that picture that I’ve now moved onto  my least faves. It’s not like I’ve made any secret of my loathing of this episode over the years. I LOVE Buffy The Vampire Slayer, but in my opinion the show totally dropped the ball here, with an episode full of misfiring slapstick gags and really obvious wedding episode clichés. The big fight between the groom’s (human) family and the bride’s (supernatural) family at the climax should have been a showstopper, but looked like a reason for show axing. Thankfully, the series recovered rapidly.

Star Trek: The Next Generation “Data’s Day”

star trek next gerenation mile keiko wedding

Okay, I admit, the episode itself isn’t so bad. But it’s legacy? Oh dear. Because this was he episode in which Miles O’Brien married Keiko, thus making her a recurring character and sentencing viewers to endless stories featuring her incessant whinging and sulky face. What did O’Brien see in her?

Lois & Clark “Swear To God, This Time We’re Not Kidding”

lois and clark swear to god wedding

Lois And Clark was pretty awful by this point anyway, but the wedding episode was almost unbearably dire, and – as you can tell by the title – annoyingly meta too, winking at the audience a little too much (there’s even a mysterious character called Mike who keeps appearing at opportune times to sort things out, almost like the writers going, “Hey, we can introduce deus ex machina whenever we like… live with it”). This week’s villain is the created-to-fit “The Wedding Destroyer”. Shame he didn’t succeed.

Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones


Least convincing courtship ever. She’d have dumped the sulky git long before that rough sand chat up line.

Oh, What The Heck, I Need Some New Sponsors

sherlock dominic cumberbatch sign of four wedding

Here’s a totally gratuitous picture of Benedict Cumberbatch from that wedding episode of Sherlock.

I suppose I could have written today’s blog on Eurovision, but I think I said nearly everything I wanted to say about the various entrants during the heats last week. Glad Austria won, mainly because (according to the BBC’s Moscow correspondent on Breakfast this morning) it really pissed off the Putin-friendly media in the newly homophobic Russia. Good. Plus, it was a decent song, sung with gusto. I was wondering if Conchita Wurst’s agent is already on the phone to the Bond producers, though.

The biggest mystery of the evening, though, was how Hungary did so well with a godawful, rather tasteless song that trivialised child abuse. Please listen to Suzanne Vega’s “Luka” for a much more sensitive treatment of the subject.

I suppose I should also explain yesterday’s cryptic picture clue. Yes, I’ve resigned. But I’ve written too much today already, so more news on that during the week.

Usual Sign-Off:

• Current total: £770 (some of the PayPal funds for trainer sales has now been released)

• Remember this is all for charity, so any pennies or pounds you can spare PLEASE DONATE BY CLICKING HERE.

• Follow me on Twitter to make sure you see what trainers I’m wearing each day.

• If you have any trainers you could donate (either on loan or old pairs you’re getting rid of) which are size 9 (ish – I can do anything from 8 to 10) contact me at so I can arrange collection.

• Please, please, please leave comments below! I’m after ideas for mini-challenges, future photoshoots and how I can find enough pairs of trainers!

Cheers Dave G
